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Biofil Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. specializes in manufacturing a variety of drugs, including anti-bacterial, analgesics, anti-malarial, and more. They also export their products to multiple countries.
Biofil Chem & Pharma major competitors are Ind-Swift, JFL Life Sciences, Makers Laboratories, Achyut Healthcare, Bharat Immunological, Deccan Health Care, Vaidya Sane Ayur Lab.
Market Cap of Biofil Chem & Pharma is ₹67 Crs.
While the median market cap of its peers are ₹76 Crs.
Biofil Chem & Pharma seems to be less financially stable compared to its competitors.
Altman Z score of Biofil Chem & Pharma is 2.55 and is ranked 5 out of its 8 competitors.