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Balance sheet of Ram Ratna Wires is strong.
It shouldn't have solvency or liquidity issues.
Yes, The debt of Ram Ratna Wires is increasing.
Latest debt of Ram Ratna Wires is ₹186 Crs as of Sep-24.
This is greater than Mar-24 when it was ₹169 Crs.
Yes, profit is increasing.
The profit of Ram Ratna Wires is ₹64.15 Crs for TTM, ₹52.26 Crs for Mar 2024 and ₹44.89 Crs for Mar 2023.
The company seems to be paying a very low dividend.
Investors need to see where the company is allocating its profits.
Ram Ratna Wires latest dividend payout ratio is 42.1% and 3yr average dividend payout ratio is 29.23%
Companies resources are allocated to majorly productive assets like Plant & Machinery and unproductive assets like Cash & Short Term Investments