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Change Log
What's New
Fertilizer Sector Screen is now available on Tijori
- Urea Market Share
-Monthly fertilizer production, sales, import by category
- Monthly Subsidy payments by category - RM Prices of Ammonia, Phosphoric Acid, Sulphur
02nd March, 2022
Financial Data
New column in market monitor screen: LTP vs 52 Weeks high
In order to better under stand the index performance, we have added a new column called LTP vs 52 weeks high in the market screen
23rd June, 2022
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Now share your watchlist with just a link
1. Go to watchlist & select the watchlist which you want to share
2. Click on Manage Watchlist & check the Share option
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21st June, 2022
Revenue Mix Charts On Timeline
Get updates on revenue mix data by product and location on timeline.
02nd June, 2022
Financial Data
Enhanced Price Volume Fields On Filters
Added DMA, EMA, RSI, ADX, MACD, Volume fields data