✨ Your Portfolio is fetched and updated from zerodha.
Stock Screener
List of Available Fields
Clear Query
Clear Query
Usage Guide
Step 1:
Step 1: Enter a Financial Query
Build an arithmetic equation using financial fields like Balance Sheet Items, P&L Items, Shareholding Items and Derived ratios. All the fields that can be queried are present in the dropdown.
Types of Financial data we recognise

Market Capitalization < 5000

Down from 52w high > 5%

10yr growth net sales > 30%


5yr Avg ROCE > 30

Debt to equity ratio < 0.2

(free cash flow / net sales) >0.2


Latest quarter pledged holding > 85%

1yr Avg mutual fund holding > 15

Latest quarter fii holding > 25%

* For higher accuracy, please use values from the dropdown that appears while typing!
Step 2:
Step 2: Enter an Alternate Data Query
Filter companies based on the following five alternate data criteria:

Companies that make Chemicals

Companies that make APIs

Companies that make Tyres > 25%


Companies getting revenue from China

Companies getting revenue from USA

Companies getting revenue from India > 5%

Market Share

Companies with market share in Pharma

Companies with market share in India

Companies with market share in Auto Ancillary > 10%

Raw Materials

Companies that use Sulphur

Companies that use Ethylyne

Companies that use Steel

Operational metrics

Companies with utilization increasing

Companies with cost of borrowing decreasing

Companies with occupancy rate > 65%

* For higher accuracy, please use values from the dropdown that appears while typing!
Sample Queries
Financial Query
Alternate Data Query
query 1

5yr avg roe > 15% and

Operating Profit Margin > 11% and

1yr Growth Net Profit > 19% and

3yr Growth Net Profit > 19%

market share > 20% and

revenue from India > 10%

query 2

latest quarter mutual fund holding > last quarter mutual fund holding and

pe < 10 and

pe > 1

companies not in financial services and

market share > 25%

query 3

5yr avg roce > 15 and

Market Capitalization < 10000

companies that make chemicals and

have market share > 20%